Haimer UK Ltd

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For years, HAIMER has been leading in the development of inductive shrink technology for tool holders. Many patents, mainly in the area of inductive coils, are visible proof for innovation and progress.

The patented coil technology in conjunction with the intelligent power electronics form the core of HAIMER shrink fit technology. Perfectly coordinated assembly groups and electronic components make sure that only the clamping area of the chuck is heated in the shrinking process. This reduces the shrinking and cooling cycle to a minimum.

With the Power Clamp range, HAIMER provides its shrink-fit chucks with a comprehensive and well thought out range of devices of inductive shrink fit machines. By doing so, you profit from the fact that HAIMER perfectly coordinates shrink fit machines and chucks in its own production.

The spectrum of the machines ranges from the beginner model, Power Clamp Basic, to the high-end device Power Clamp Premium Plus. Use the world’s largest range of products of shrink fit machines and coils.

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